Your business depends on your IT systems. We’re confident that we are the only network services, computer support, or IT consulting business in Western Kentucky that provides these benefits to your business.
Here are the reasons you can depend on SmartPath Technologies to keep you and your business up and running:
1. Our customer satisfactions surveys are above 96%. We believe in customer satisfaction so much that we have built the survey tool right in our ticketing system. This is to allow our clients to give us immediate feedback. Their responses are immediately reviewed and shared with each technician.
2. We have a great relationship with our vendors and this allows us to test new hardware and software technologies and ensure products will work in our client’s environments even before they are officially released to the public.
3. We monitor your systems 24/7 with tools that identify almost immediately when a problem occurs. Many of the problems that do occur can be fixed remotely. More often than not, that is what happens. We fix the problem, document it and quickly get you back to being productive. Many times the best news about keeping your computers up and running is “No news at all”.
4. Have you ever been surprised by large bills for your IT consultant? Are you afraid of calling your technician because you don’t know how they bill and how much your bill will be at the end of the day? We give you financially flexible options:
A. Our ITWorks allows the 24•7 monitoring of your network for one fixed fee. We also have all you can eat options which eliminate any surprise bills. You know what you will pay every month.
B. Standard time and materials at agreed pricing and rates can cover anything else.
5. Having a competitive advantage in your business is the key to long term success. Often times problems with computers are due to slowness, downtime and viruses, which can make your most productive employee useless. Our goal is to minimize your downtime and provide services that enable you to have efficient and fast systems. We believe that there is “No time for down time”.
6. We meet with you on a regular basis to strategize and discuss long term growth of your company. This allows us to plan the following:
A. Computer networks that grow with you as your business grows.
B. Workstation management lets you optimize your office machines and allows distribution of new machines to employees with the most need.
C. Monitoring of systems growth can predict long term need for technology and get a handle on cost.
7. Our Business Continuity Services is the number one “Tested” solution for disaster recovery and backup services. In 2012, the same technology we use for backup was tested by Joplin,. after the devastating tornado. Even though business there were completely gone, the backup system had them up and running 100% in 5 hours. We have taken the state of the art backup systems and incorporated them with a virtual cloud technology to ensure fast and efficient recovery of your business even if your business is completely gone.
8. Our ITWorks Remote Solutions allows access from anywhere. This has often been a luxury of large enterprise companies. At SmartPath Technologies we can allow your staff secure, easy remote access to your systems. Does the sales staff need to pull up a quote at 7 pm? We can make this happen. ITWorks remote solutions are simple, secure, and can efficiently get your team working from anywhere.
9. Our managed security services allow you to be protected from threats that lurk around the internet, while saving money by managing your staff’s internet habits. Have you wondered where your staff is going during the day while they are working on your dime?
A. System reporting and monitoring. How much time is your staff spending on the internet? How much time is wasted by playing games, answering personal emails, or just cruising on Facebook?
B. Content filtering is a key to controlling and reducing risk and liability to your business. As an integral part of our managed security services we can prevent your employees from accessing inappropriate sites, reduce the wasted bandwidth, and limit the risk of legal liability. Furthermore, we can block over 200 different categories of threats. Our ITWorks Managed Security Program can control streaming media, limit music, and video, and prevent users from downloading illegal media using peer to peer sharing sites.
10. Our Email Management Program allows filtering of spam, malware and viruses from your day to day email. How much time does your staff spend going through junk mail? Click here if you want to figure out how much junk e-mail alone is costing your company.
11. Virtualization and green technology leader. Did you know that the amount of energy wasted on computers being on 24 hours a day? Did you know that you spend more in electricity during the life of the computer than the computer itself? At SmartPath Technologies we take pride in bringing new “Green” technology to our customers. We are the leader in thin client deployments and can bring solutions that have significant benefits over our competition.
A. Workstation virtualization actually allows you to run windows 7 and 8 on devices that on average use $1/year in electricity.
B. Extend the life of failing workstations by virtualizing special machines or applications that were tied down to one physical machine.
C. Thin clients are fully compatible with USB devices such and printers, scanners, thumb drives, and smartphones.
D. Fast deployment options allow new workstations to be setup in minutes instead of days.
E. Start new machines only when needed to reduce cost of power.
F. Allow internal mobile office worker options which lets their sessions follow them. The user puts in a code on the device and their entire workstation moves from the old machine where they were logged in to the new machine. Elimination of long login times reduces cost, increases efficiency, and saves you money.
12. 100% guarantee on all work done. We’re confident in our ability to deliver high quality work that meets or exceeds your expectations.